sis and my me BAKEKANG!(means ugly and not smart)
im also nt eat dner! to.hahaha.,im fat woman.
i thnk its time 4 u to eat lunch rght?
na u masbe friend wth her!she so down to earth! she so much ptient to all her friend.
i dnt know why im always like this.specialy when i talk to toxin,u know her rght!,i cnt thnk straits bcoz i thnk she is really smart girl.hahaha..weart rght!!u wrong chocolate.hehehe..i dont know why ths day i can talk u so much.hahaha..i ask u earlier if my english is good,rght?i always like that if im talk here to somebody i always ask scared i always thnk my sentence is wrong!hahaha.
im scared,my student smart than wth me!hahaha.. not board passer.and i dont like to teach scared!hahaha
same here chocolate.hehehe...u know im college bchelor elementary of educ.hahaha.
hahaha..i thnk everybody hate to study. u must study hard to make it perfct!
just remind me if u take ur exam ha.
so chocolate,u dont have class today? when u grad.what will be ur work? like in museum?
hahaha.i dont thnk i can open like this business we need more money.
chocolate how bout u,what course do u take?