Im alone..Need somebody beside mee Need somebody too takecare of mee Need somebody to never ever broke my hearte Need somebody to always be with me forever and ever :'), _________eee_____eee_________ _______e_____e_e_____e_______ _______e______e______e_______ ________e___ mom____e________ __________e_______e__________ ____________e___e____________ _____________e e_____________ ___ , Too often we don't realize what we have until it's gone. Too often we're too stubborn to say, 'Sorry, I was wrong.' Too often it seems we hurt the ones closest to our hearts, and we let the most foolish things tear us apart, thanks to those who hated me.. you made me a stronger person.. thanks to those who loved me.. you made my heart grow fonder.. thanks to those who envied me.. you made my self-esteem grow stronger.. thanks to those who cared.. you made me feel important.. , I Like Making New Friends and Friendship
">" border="0"/> __~__ If I were a tear in Your eye I would roll down onto Your lips.But if You were a tear in my eye I would never cry as I would be afraid to lose You. !!! ">" border="0"/> __~__ ">" border="0"/> __~__ ">" border="0"/> __~__ ">" border="0"/> __~__ ">" border="0"/> __~__ ">" border="0"/> __~__ nice day
''WhEn iTs hArD To hIdE YoUr tEaRs ThEn nEvEr mInD sTaRt cUtTiNg aN OnIoN... LeT ThE HeArT CrY yOu jUsT SmiLE.. AnD BLamE ThE OnIoN. ThAt’s LifE!!! If yOu'rE SiNgLe, ThEn eNjOy yOuR FrEeDoM. If yOu’rE In a rElAtIoNsHiP, tHeN EnJoY YoUr rElAtIoNsHiP. If yOu'rE SePaRaTeD, ThEn tAkE CaRe aNd sTaRt tO EnJoY ThE ReMaInInG PaRt oF YoUr LifE. WhAtEvEr pArT Of LifE It iS, iT'S VeRy iMpOrTaNt tO EnJoY It!!'' So wHaTeVeR YoU Do, JuSt eNjOy iT..! gOoD NiGhT...