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أخر دخول: 10 سنة
عضو منذ: 12 سنة
المدينة: leeds city
الجنس: أنثى
العمر: 32

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المزيد عني

العلاقة: إنه سر
نوع الجوال: palmtop
المهنة: marketer
الشركات: capital oil and gad
المدارس: sail online university
أنا أحب: basket ball
أنا أكره: lying
الموسيقى المفضلة: bruno mars
الأفلام المفضل: rkelly
الكتب المفضلة: love lottery
المشاهير المفضلون: chrisbrown
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computer: keeping someone in our heart is very easy,but to be in someone's heart is very difficult.so respect the heart which cares about u.

OwnSkin في صندوق


am cool

سجل زواري (121) وقع في سجل زواري

10 سنة

A new day brings joy let,
let's open the gates of happiness.
To when you were close, the day was
nice and enjoyable. Love and kindness
of the people support the heart when
in need. Bring some sunshine to let
them raise a smile and joy for you.
Ordinary becomes extraordinary look
when viewed with the heart. Common
words become magic when we are able
to understand . Conventional gestures
are like gold when you are truly done.
Heart smile warmly greet leave. .

11 سنة
2)2)1)">http://friends18.com/img/hi-hello/0297.gif" border="0"/>2)1) how are you dear missing you dear i love muce much dear .
11 سنة
Hmmm! U are such a nice looking cute spices.
11 سنة
It's Arman khan new user plz add me as ur frnd
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