About Me
...a sHoPaHoLiC!
...a joker uHuh?
...a bEaCh bUm!
...a CaM
...boOk lOveR
...wiTty...(wHen i CHoOsE tO bE...)
...A cHocOhoLic and stRawBerRy aDdict!
...a mUsiC jUnKie!
...a fRaPpUciNO aND a COoLattA aDdict!
...a jErk mAgNet?
(yeS...it's tRue!aNd it's sAd...
but it CaN ReaLLy Be A LoT Of fUn sOmEtiMeS...haha!!!)
...a sNoB aNd a bit iNsEnSitiVe aNd mEaN s0mEtimeS...aNd yES...i'm pRettY bLuNt aBoUt it!
...aN iNsOmniaC!
...biTch anD lOvEr
...veRy vOcal
i LoVe...
...frIes oNLy at McDo lOve Ko To'
...my gOrgeous bOOtiE
...sExY bOddEh
...fooling around with my aWesOme fRienDs and kaBagangs
...nEyo/aALiyah/shAdy aNd naS and T.I.!!!g-uNit/usHer/nOtoRious b.i.g./sNoop/ciaRa/joSs stoNe!/riHannA/bEyOncE/cHris BrowN/t-paiN/fLo RiDa/mIssY eLiOtt(miLkShakE)
...eAtin ovEr and Over!
...mY gorGeoUs fRieNds aNd mY aWeSoMe cOuSiNs!
...sHoEs!(need i say more?)
...hAtS!dresses!aNd bAgS!
*wAnNa kNoW wHat bUgS mE?
wHen SoMe PeOpLe keEp
oN sPeaKin'
iN eNgLisH
*i dont do good things jaz 4 da sake of good impressions... i dont give a damn 4 turn ons en turn offs..i prefered 2 be seen at my worst attitude not to be disliked but 2be accepted despite havin da most terrible personality 1 cud have" i love my enemies your making me famous..((: