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All LiveWallpaper   >   All Category   >   Majestic Lake

Majestic Lake
By krazykilowatt
185 LiveWallpaper
Download via DIY OwnSkin
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How to download this Live Wallpaper?

Chú ý :

This Live Wallpaper only supported by 480x854 resolution phone only. Please click here to check your phone resolution before download.


For those resolution which are not supported by us, please kindly try out 480x800 Xư lý hình ảnh.


Please download and install the application into your phone.

Installation Tip:
If you faced "Install blocked", please kindly go to Setting > Applications > (Checked) Unknown sources to allow installation of non-market applications.


Please open Ownskin app > Download >


Enter in the OSkey Code and Search for this Live Wallpaper


Have 12 Skinlets, 480x854 Resolution, 4 ratings (4.0 average), Jan 07 2011 2:18PM

chia sẻ

hạng mục : Nature
Tags : -
Description : animated water, clouds, eagle flying...

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Nhận xét (3)

    again,,,its grrrrreat,,,,please email me,,I have a great one for you and I don't want anyone to get it first..I see some people did marilyn which I might add isn't goood.....jennie101364@yahoo.com...I know you might like it...ty again and I love your paper
    jennie101364   13 years ago
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